Some key points of Motorcycle Cylinder

The cylinder block of a motorcycle is an important part of the engine. There are some key points you need to know:

  1. Structure: Motorcycle cylinder blocks are usually made of aluminum or cast iron because these materials can withstand high temperatures and pressures. Inside the cylinder is a precisely machined cylindrical cavity called the combustion chamber, which contains a piston. Inside this combustion chamber, fuel is mixed with air and burned to produce energy.
  2. Function: There are two main functions. First of all, the cylinder block is the wall cover of the oil cylinder. The fuel in the cylinder burns to form high-pressure gas, which drives the piston to make linear reciprocating motion. Secondly, the cylinder block is equipped with valve ports and spark plug ports to achieve air intake, combustion and exhaust gas discharge.
  3. Maintenance: The maintenance of the cylinder is very important. Change the engine oil and clean the air filter regularly to maintain proper lubrication and reduce contaminants entering the cylinder. When inspecting the cylinder, check for cracks, scratches, or wear. If these problems exist, they may need to be repaired by grinding or replacing the cylinder.
  4. Failure: The most common cylinder failure is wear or oil drag. Wear is usually caused by insufficient lubrication, while oil drag is usually caused by worn or damaged piston rings. These failures will affect the efficiency and life of the cylinder.